What’s Down’s Syndrome?

Down’s syndrome is a genetic condition that can lead to mental and physical disabilities in a child. It occurs when a child is born with an extra 21st chromosome, which gives down’s syndrome its other name; trisomy 21.

Because of this duplication, there is a development of certain characteristics in a child that may differentiate them from the lot. However, considering the present, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that babies with down syndrome grow up to live a fulfilling life.

The disabilities can range from mild to moderate and are dealt according to the severity of their condition.

Those who are suffering from a mild severity would need less support as compared to those who are suffering from a severe down’s syndrome. In any case; being caring and compassionate towards such children is the least that we can do for them.

What are Down’s Syndrome Symptoms?

Children who are suffering from down’s syndrome don’t tend to look alike, as everyone is different. However, certain physical aspects appear to be common in such individuals, and these are:

  • A flattened face
  • Short neck
  • Small hand and feet
  • Shorter height
  • Almond-shaped eyes that slant upwards
  • A tongue that usually sticks out

Prevalence of Down Syndrome

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 6000 babies are born with down’s syndrome every year. It’s because of these numbers that down’s syndrome is the most common chromosomal disorder.

However, because in every 700 babies, there is one who has down’s syndrome, we need to be more accepting towards them. A lot of work has been done, is currently in progress and will be done in the future to support the children with down’s syndrome because of its prevalence.

What Are the Complications?

Children with down’s syndrome are more prone to develop several medical conditions. Almost every child with down syndrome is born with heart defects that eventually give rise to other health issues.

Following are the most commonly associated medical problems in children with down’s syndrome:

  • Ear infections
  • Eye problems like cataracts
  • Hearing loss
  • Sleep apnea (inability to breathe during one’s sleep)
  • Issues with one’s vision (spectacles are required to correct this problem)

While most of these issues cannot be entirely avoided, they are not really life-threatening. If these children are deeply cared for and handled compassionately, they can live long and contribute to society as well.

Tips to Parent of Children with Down’s Syndrome

Following are the tips you can follow for parenting your child:

  • Become a strong support system for your child
  • Involve him/her in daily tasks and chores
  • Encourage them to play with other children
  • Always pay attention to them and their needs
  • Talk to them, play with them and spend quality time with them
  • Keep an eye out for other health-related conditions

KVTC’s Approach

We believe that overcoming challenges gives meaning to life. And that is why, at KVTC, we try our best to provide a proper meaning to life to the intellectually challenged children.

Our motto is to increase their strengths and offer them a platform where they can learn, be skillful and emerge as confident individuals.

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